With other members of the parliament pointed out the loopholes in the education plan and glitches in machinery and execution, and saw that the plan can be built on and developed after working on some basic loopholes such as: adding indicators and baseline, and other elements that make the plan evaluable and thus to know how effective it is and how capable it is to the issue. After our refusal to only teach part of the students and insisting on an education plan that includes all. Today, the educational emergency plan was presented at the invitation of the Parliamentary Education Committee and the presence of the Minister of Education Abbas Al-Halabi and a team from the Ministry.
She and other MPs also stressed the transparency, standards of governance, and transparency missing in that plan. As we requested to clarify the role of unspecified civil and civic associations in the plan and the gap in securing the requirements of online education, and to look seriously and deeply into the situations of displaced and non-displaced teachers, especially the contractors, who lost part of their income due to reduced working hours. We look positively to the direct education plan to be complemented and evolved for the longevity of all pupils in Lebanon.
#educationforall #leavingnoonebehind #goodgovernance #evaluation